by webadmin | Feb 3, 2015 | Bez kategorii
Regional Monitoring of Natural Environment 2002, No 3, 31-43
Alojzy Kowalkowski
The integrated natural environment monitoring network, which includes permanent observation sites of forest ecosystems – level II, with a suitable temporary and spatial intensity of measurements, permits to specify adequately both temporary states impulse/reaction and as spatial heterogeneity of the system states. The knowledge of the ongoing pulsation processes in ecosystems can be derived as a rule from temporary trends characterized by sufficiently long data series or by description of ecosystem state sizes. Direct multifaceted observations and measuring procedures permit to specify the system parameter changeability and thereby to approximate the probability of crossing the states of threat threshold values of changes or rapid changes in the ecosystem. The important perspective of risk state estimation emerges in the case of learning about the system states in possibly narrow time intervals, which allows for modelling.
In the study was introduced, on the basis of the syntheses of the results of long-term continuous measurements on surfaces of level II (Reuss, Johnson 1986, Wolff et al. 1999, Svedrup and Warfvinge 1993, 1995, Block et al. 2000, Pälchen, Bart 2001, Becker et al. 2000) as well as the results of the Św. Krzyż Monitoring Station (Kowalkowski et al. 2000, 2001) the possibility of the utilization of data about soils (soil solutions, permanent soil phase) for the specification of the coefficients of their states and potentials of threat due to acidification. The choice of coefficients includes: buffer reactions in soils in dependence of pH of solution, buffer ranges of soil on the basis of predominant processes of dissociation of soil solution, classification of degrees of soil acidification according to Ulrich (Ma%), base saturation, alkality coefficient (ALK μmole 1-1) of soil solutions and rainfall waters with pricing, capacity of acid neutralization (ANC μmole.μmole 1-1), molar relations Ca/Al (mole, mole-1) with pricing of stress risk Al as well as BC/Al mol.mol-1 with critical coefficients of Al stress for different trees and forest plants, as well as the resources of interchangeable cations Mb(kmol(+) hectare-1 dm-1) with pricing of their resources.
by webadmin | Feb 3, 2015 | Bez kategorii
Regional Monitoring of Natural Environment 2002, No 3, 9-15
Alojzy Kowalkowski, Marek Jóźwiak
In the search of new ways of wise management, contemporary ecologists propose introduction of an evolutionary environmental management system of whole ecosystems to the economy. Models of adaptive management ought to be based on data about processes occurring in biotope and in biocenosis, of a well-known history of development, obtained from a scientifically planned, socially credible, continuous monitoring realized in ecosystems management units (EMU). The present strategies of sustainable environmental development are specified by the leaders of organizations which implement and maintain the system of environmental management and institutional environmental watch units, according to the principle of good will. This system operates in accordance with the Resolution of the European Union No. 1836/93, approved by the Resolution No. 761/2001 of the European Parliament, European Council and the European Standard EN-ISO 14001. This standard contains a set of requirements for the environmental management system . Data resources about changes in the environment of ecosystems on the local regional and global scales, necessary for the proper planning of the management system are provided by the system of permanent monitoring areas. Their initial organization is the system of base stations of the Integrated Monitoring of the Natural Environment.
by webadmin | Feb 3, 2015 | Bez kategorii
Regional Monitoring of Natural Environment 2002, No 3, 45-51
Alojzy Kowalkowski, Marek Jóźwiak, Rafał Kozłowski
Stemfall and throughfall waters obtain new chemical properties in the forest (Table 1 Figs. 3, 4) and exert influence on the pH values of soils and other easily changing properties. New spatial arrangements of properties are developed in the forest stands, particularly around the trunks of older trees. They create concentric “gradients” around trees which change with distance from tree trunks on a definite forest acreage (Figs. 2, 6). It is known, e.g. that the pH value in surface levels of mineral soils under tree crowns is greater and the greatest in hatches between tree crowns. The knowledge of the micromosaic arrangement of the property of forest soils is made possible by the method of investigation of the paths of substance flow with rainfall waters through forest stand to soil on the basis of 5-15 parallel repetitions in the arrangement of 4 measuring lines according to cardinal points, with the intersection point – the trunk of a measuring tree (Fig. 5). Data obtained in this way at the tree trunk in the decimetric and metric distances are a sufficient basis for the cartographic representation of measurement results and ecological interpretation. Biogroups of forest-forming trees of the known crown structure (Fig. 1), morphological form of bark (Photos 1-4) and root system (Figs. 7-10) are qualified for measurement. Results of these investigations can be used directly in forest economy, and particularly in the interpretation of development trends of soils, forest assemblages and forest stands under the influence of acid falls.
by webadmin | Feb 3, 2015 | Bez kategorii
Regional Monitoring of Natural Environment 2003, No 4, 23-28
Stefan Kozłowski
Principles of the State Environmental Monitoring were defined 10 years ago. Collected data and development of sciences indicate the need of revision and modification of SEM. The presented article underlines the necessity to extend and treat in a more complex way the „nature monitoring” concept. Firstly, it refers to the need of extension of monitoring of abiotic elements of the nature. Consequently, introduction of the geosphere monitoring, as a new sub-system in the section of environmental quality assessment has been proposed. It will include 8 elements: present deformations and tensions in the upper layer of the lithosphere, changes of the geomagnetic field and the gravity field, changes of temperatures of upper layers of the lithosphere, geochemical changes in industrial and settlement areas, geochemical changes of river sediments in Poland, geochemical changes of sediments of the Polish part of the Baltic, geochemical changes around chosen waste dumps, changes of underground waters.
Implementation of the geosphere monitoring will assure ecological safety of inhabitants of Poland. It should also deliver interesting data useful to formulate sustainable development objectives. This refers especially to such elaborations, as: regional ecological policy, development strategies for voivodeships, counties and communes. The geosphere monitoring will also allow to protect from serious ecological catastrophes and in the same time will help to reduce considerable potential costs of such catastrophes. Thanks to the implementation of this programme, Poland will be able to meet requirements resulting from international obligations of the geosphere change assessment, with particular regard to waters.
by webadmin | Feb 3, 2015 | Bez kategorii
Regional Monitoring of Natural Environment 2003, No 4, 99-106
Rafał Kozłowski
Due to unequal distribution of the precipitation penetrating through tree crowns, the experiment aiming at identification of the spatial distribution of the precipitation reaching soils in a forest geoecosystem of the central part of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The research was carried out from 1st August to 31st October 2002.
The research carried out in the examined geoecosystem revealed a significant participation of humid deposition in quantity of water that reaches the forest bottom in a form of the throughfall. The intensity of this process is influenced not only by the species composition but also by configuration and topography of the area and prevalent meteorological conditions. The spatial variability of the hydrogen load delivered to soils shows that there exist areas in the forest bottom which are subject of acidic deposition. The quantity of this deposition significantly differs from the average level. The highest loads under the fir-tree crowns contribute to the fastest acidification of soils in the tree trunk surrounding.
The distribution of parameters obtained during the research shows the need of elaborating a detailed chart of spatial differentiation of the throughfall.