Forming slopes in a post-glacial catchment
Forming slopes in a post-glacial catchment
Grażyna Szpikowska
Forming slopes in a post-glacial catchment
Grażyna Szpikowska
Use of sozological maps on the Integrated Monitoring of the Natural Environment on the example of the upper Parsęta catchment
Daria Gozdur, Józef Szpikowski
Droughts in the Bystrzanka channel in the long-term 1991–2015
Witold Bochenek
Environmental and social consequences of gold mining in Mongolia
Altan Gantumur, Monika Mętrak, Bogusław Wiłkomirski, Małgorzata Suska-Malawska
Influence of the “Cedzyna” dam reservoir on selected water quality parameters of the Lubrzanka river in summer
Rafał Kozłowski, Joanna Przybylska, Joanna Kaleta
The physicochemical properties and chemical composition of throughfall in a pine stand in an urban area
Robert Kruszyk, Maciej Major