Instructions for authors

  1. Publisher  accepts original, previously unpublished manuscripts about natural environment monitoring in the following fields: new conceptions, methods, results, education.
  2. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than till 30th March and 30th September of every year.
  3. Manuscript should be no longer that 8-10 pages of a standard computer printout + maximum 5 pages of illustrations.
  4. All manuscripts should be sent in a format of MS Word for Windows. Text in English or Polish  should be written with the character Times New Roman, size 12,  single spacing, with margins 2,5 cm – top, bottom, left and right. Please, do not underline the text and do not write titles with capital letters. Do not justify the text. Text should follow the structure accepted in  Natural Environment Monitoring.
  5. Each manuscript should contain Content outline and summary in Polish and English not longer than respectively 500 and 2000 letters, key words.
  6. References should be cited according to rules accepted in Natural Environment Monitoring.  Citations in the text:
    • in case of reference citation with one or two authors, place in brackets names and  year of the cited publication. Separate names and year with comma, e.g. (Sadowski and Bartnicki, 1992)
    • in case of reference citation with three and more authors, place in brackets only a name of the first author, e.g. (Falkiewicz et al. 1997).

      References presented at the end of the manuscript should be listed according to the following structure:

      • from magazines and other periodicals: name, initials of Christian name(s) of author(s), year, full title of the publication in the original language, abbreviation of the magazine (periodical), volume number, numbers of first and last pages of the cited publication, e.g.: Żarska B., Rąkowski G., Sosz H., 1992: Reprezentatywność przyrodnicza zlewni jez. Łękuk. Ochrona Środowiska. 46: 497–531;
      • from non-periodical publications and books: name, initials of Christian name(s) of author(s), year, full title of the publication in the original language, main title of the volume and/or its number, name of publisher and place of publishing, numbers of first and last pages of the cited paper, e.g.: Wróblewski T., 2000: Relief. In: S. Cieśliński, A. Kowalkowski (Edits). Monografia Świętokrzyskiego Parku Narodowego, Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy, Bodzentyn – Kraków, 107–128.
  7. Figures, photographs, tables:
    • should be attached to manuscript separately and suitable for reproduction;
    • should be numbered respectively with Arabic numerals
    • should be described with a full title in Polish and English
    • tables should have full title and description of columns in Polish and English
    • do not place full texts on figures; instead, use abbreviations with explanation in the title of figures in English and Polish
    • all illustrations should be signed with a name of the first author and the first word from a manuscript title; mark clearly top and bottom of illustrations (use pencil);
    • photographs and figures should be of the size which will be suitable for decreasing up to 50%.
  8. All manuscripts should be sent to e mail:
  9. Authors will receive 1 copy of Natural Environment Monitoring and 5 reprints of their papers.