Dear Readers,
We would like to inform that Ministry of Science and Higher Education typed our journal Natural Environment Monitoring in unified register of scored periodicals on B list at number 1009 awarding 6 points.
We are handing in the next 18(2) number of Natural Environment Monitoring periodical. On the basis of materials sent it was classified to the following sections: Conception, Methods and Results.
In the Conception sections there are article presenting two new concepts in bio-indicative research.
In the Method sections there are article presenting tree stumps as a wintering site for some amphibians species.
Results contains seven articles. They concern : The impact of atmospheric circulation on the transport and wet deposition of pollutants in low mountains and foothills of Central Europe, influence of Xantoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. secondary metabolites on the development of fungi from organic ground: natural rubber and acrylic dispersion (oscaryl ap40),influence of selected environmental factors on changes in land cover and land use in the Carpathian Bystrzanka catchment, heavy metals content in the snow cover in Holy Cross Mountains, the role of natural disturbances in the dynamics of protected forests, protection against excessive anthropopressure in Wolin National Park and last article presenting very important problem atmospheric pollutants total and wet deposition in the Kampinos Base Integrated Monitoring Station.
Hoping that the articles published in the periodical nr 18(2) will interest the readers we want to thank editorial Board and Reviewers for all the efforts to achieve high scientific standard of periodical and the Authors for interesting research results.
Kielce, December 2016 Marek Jóźwiak