The two new concepts in bio-indicative research

The two new concepts in bio-indicative research

Andrzej Leśniak


The aim of the study was to present the proposals for the use of new methods in researches about bioindication. The Study provides proposals of the use of the intrapopulational variability of plants and animals as an index of the quality of the enviroment as well as the results of the research in the literature on the conditions of intrapopulational variability of plants and animals. Furthermore the study includes proposals to determine index of capturability and the analysis of the suitability of Simpson’s coeffcient (for determining the biodiversity) and the coefcient of the effectivity of community – WEZ. The Author calls for a wider application of statistical methods in ecological researches. The study shows that there is a link between intrapopulational variability of plants and animals and the quality of their environments. The survey indicates a better usage of the coeffcient of the effectivity of community – WEZ than the Simpson’s coeffcient.


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