The role of lichens as bioindicators in valorization of environment

Natural Environment Monitoring 2013, No 14, 37-42


Małgorzata Anna Jóźwiak, Marek Jóźwiak


Environmental stocktaking and valorization are the basic procedures in management of public space. The thorough knowledge of a given area is the condition of making a plan of spatial development and exposing different forms of conservation in. Having environmental stocktaking, it is possible to valorize the area by dividing it into different categories depending on environmental value and the level of anthropic pressure. Bioindication is a common and effective method used in estimation of environment which allows the estimation of the influence of abiotic conditions on organism functioning and it is also one of the basic methods in monitoring. One of the most sensitive biomonitors, out of agamous organisms, are lichens. Its utilization allows to create the maps of toxic substance threats which may be used by municipal authorities during making plans of spatial development of the city. Analysis of lichen thallus morphological changes allow estimation of environmental conditions. They are carried out with the use of stereoscopic and electron microscope. Lichen thallus shows macroscopic colour changes, shellings and the loss of organs of vegetative reproduction – labial soralia in comparison to thallus growing in clean environment. The estimation of the level of anthropic pressure with the use of bioindicators allows spatial valorization which may be used in marking out areas with different purposes (sporting, housing – single-family housing, multi-family housing, green zone) and working out variants of investment location in the district.