Natural Environment Monitoring 2006, No 7, 41-49
Rafał Kozłowski
In present work the results of investigations were introduced relating spatial the differentiation of propriety physico-chemical and chemical constitution of rainfall. It the quantity of fall, pH, electrolytical conductivity as well as chemical constitution in track of measurements was analysed on content K and Na. For thus purpose 40 throughfalls put on plan of rectangular mesh situated in grounds of hornbeam – beech – pine stand were used.
In track of investigations affirm, that among studied proprieties, it was been possible to deal out two groups of features. To the group of the faintly variables guild was numbered the pH as well as size of fall. The second group of the guilds make up the strongly and very strongly variables, with the measurements of the potassium load, the hydrogen load, the sodium load as well as size of electrolytical conductivity.
The analysis of got results show, that the use, for example at least 10 – 15 throughfalls, put in regular way on plan of rectangular mesh or cross permits on catch the differentiations spatial rainfall. Such number of measuring points should reflect the whole spectra of changes, what step out in grounds of stand, connected with storey, short-circuit and thickness of the trees’ crowns, distance from the trees’ trunks as well as the hatches among crowns.
The important indicator for planning the optimum number of measuring points should be also the analysis of changeability coefficient for individual parameters. Near small values CV is possible usage smaller number catchers, whose number should to grow larger with growth its value together however