Natural environment pollution of Gardno Lake catchment (Woliński National Park) based on biotic monitoring research of Integrated Monitoring of the Natural Environment programme
Mariusz Samołyk, Paweł Czyryca
Based on the results of eight years (2009–2016) of monitoring studies conducted in the catchment area of Gardno Lake, the measure of pollution of Woliński National Park the natural environment was rated. An important indicator in determining the state of the natural environment is the extent and causes of damage to trees and tree stands. The dynamics and chemistry of the organic fall was checked. Using bioindication properties of lichenes the measurements of thalli area and health of Hypogymnia physodes, Melanelixia fuliginosa, Parmelia sulcata, Pertusaria amara, Phlyctis argena were conducted. In Hypogymnia physodes the concentration of heavy metals and sulfur was checked. Biocenotic indicators (eg Simpson dominance index and Shanonna-Weaver diversity index) were determined on the basis of quantitative and qualitative changes taking place in the structures of invertebrate assemblages. Detailed inventory of Gardno Lake cachment revealed the presence of five invasive plants species: Impatiens parviflora, Padus serotina, Reynoutria japonica, Quercus rubra, Rosa rugosa.