Natural Environment Monitoring 2006, No 7, pp. 85-92
Marek Jóźwiak
From 1996 year, in the cave are conducting monitoring researches, that have an aim get to know mikroclimate the cave of “Raj” in the funkcjoning period the cave, as tourist object and determine influence the tourist movement on their change (Jóźwiak 1997, 1998, 2002, Jóźwiak, Kozłowski 1999). Achieve results in 1996-2005 years, indicate that the average annual temperature in the cave of Raj amount to 8,5ºC and at relative humidity the air 95,1%. In the separate measurment points the temperature fluctuated from 8,5ºC in Sztolnia to 9,05ºC in Stalaktytowa (tab. 1). The most part stable the cave is Szybik and Złomisk Chamber (fig. 5,6), but the largest fluctuation temperature during the year are registering in Sztolnia and Wstępna Chamber (fig. 7, 8). There are areas in which as first appear tourists. The highest average annual relative humidity the air in the cave founded in years 1999- 98,9% and 1996- 97,8%, the lowest in year 2005 – 88,9% and year 2002- 93,0% (fig.9). The relative distribution humidity the air in the cave, similarly as temperature, show diversity in the separate points. The highest values humidity from years 1996-2005 in Szybik- 97,4%, with fluctuation from 96,4% in September to 96,4% in July and Wstępna Chamber-95,0% with fluctuation from 92,2% in June to 96,0% in January and February, the lowest in Sztolnia- 90,0%, with fluctuation from 87,6% in March to 91,6% in September and in Stalaktytowa Chamber –92,7%, with fluctuation from 90,5% in March to 91,9% in September was registered.
From 2001 year, in the cave are conducting also reseraches the contents CO2 in the air. In years 2001-2005 average concentration CO2 in the cave amount to 1478,11 mg*m-3, which is the lowest worth about 481,89 mg*m-3 from the upper limits the fresch air accepted by World Health Organisation (fig. 13). The largest average monthly concentration CO2 founded in June- 1813,31 mg*m-3, the lowest in March 999,97 mg*m-3 (fig. 14).
Beside natural occurrence, which have direct influence on the microclimat the cave of Raj, facilities her to take advantage tourist, generates dynamics the microclimate and influence on organic life inside the cave. The important with they is intensity the movement tourist. Together with increase quantity tourists, increase the temperature, and show the largest fluctuation in Sztolnia and Wstępna Chamber- the first points contact tourists with the cave.