Regional Monitoring of Natural Environment 2002, No 3, 117-122
Magdalena Woźniak, Maria Żygadło
Present legal regulations obligate to monitor refuse landfields. Rainfall water, frequently acid rainfall washout soluble substances from waste products. The object of investigation is the landfields of fly ash waste from heat – power plant in Kielce.
The aim of that research was analysis of climate factors and time duration on erosive processes of fly ash, which was deposited on the wet landfields. The range of investigation included the exposure of fly ash to low temperatures (freezing), exposure to UV radiation and coincident effect of low temperatures and UV radiation on fly ash.
The water extracts from the fly–ash were examined from the point of view of variability of pH and conductivity. The analysis of heavy metals concentration in fly ash eluted with water after 60 cycle was also conducted with AAS metod.