Natural Environment Monitoring 2009, No 10, pp. 81-89
Maciej Jóźwiak
The regulations concerning carbon dioxide geological storage are a brand new regulations not only in the energy law, but also in environmental protection law area. These regulations shall be only the bridging solution which goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emission to the air until some effective methods will be implement.
The technology is quite controversial, especially in scientific circles, which remind about the danger connected with the storage. It seems however that because of the obligation of CO2 reduction limits accepted both by EU and Polish government, the CCS technology is the only way to fulfill it.
According to the Polish Ministry of Environmental statement: “Poland has a chance to realize two demonstration CCS facilities as a part of the Flagship Project EU 10 – 12 demonstrative CCS project planed in UE. The results obtain till year 2015 from two demonstration project placed in Bałchatów and Kędzieżyn, will give a solid basic to decide about the rage of implementation of CCS technology in Poland.” (