Influence of xantoria parietina secondary metabolites on the development of fungi from organic ground: natural rubber and acrylic dispersion

Influence of xantoria parietina secondary metabolites on the development of fungi from organic ground: natural rubber and acrylic dispersion

Małgorzata Anna Jóźwiak, Przemysław Rybiński, Marek Jóźwiak


Anatomic dualism of lichens and mutual metabolic interaction between mycelium and lichen cells leads to synthesis specifc substances which are generally named lichen acids. Lichen acids are the secondary metabolites produced during metabolic reactions. During the photosynthesis process carbohydrates are produced by the photobiont cells and transferred to the
mycelium. With the use of metabolic transformation of shikimic and mevalonic acids and acetylpolymalonate the carbohydrates are transformed to the secondary metabolites. Lichen acids are chemically and functionally diversifed group of organic compounds. The classifcation divides them onto two groups: aliphatic and acyclic colourless compounds and aromatic lichen substances. Phulvinic acids derivatives, depsides, depsidones,chinones, xanthone derivates and dibenzo are them. These compounds demonstrate a great chemical activity. Chemical activity of these compounds causes signifcantly
reactivity and activation of many species but in many cases their inhibitory properties are found. These compounds influence on the following organism: bacteria, viruses, bryophyes, fungi, vascular plants, and lichens. Among the secondary lichen
metabolites, the most activity are: usin acid, derivatives of phulvinic acid, depsides, depsidones of orcin group, and aliphatic acids. Their role is not explained fully but certainly they take part in the inter-species interaction determined as a lichen multualism. The aim of the study was to present the inhibited properties of pharatientic acid extracted from
Xantoria parietina thallus on the mycelium of Mucor mucedo. It has been shown that the pharatientic acid extracted from Xantoria parietina
thallus influence on the sensitivity of mycelium of Mucor mucedo. Obtaining results indicate on the possibility of the using the pharatientic acids towards mycelium which are evolved on the organic ground.


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